воскресенье, 30 августа 2020 г.

Another 481 COVID-19 cases found at University of Alabama

Another 481 COVID-19 cases found at University of Alabama

Australia offers migrants unlimited English lessons to counteract 'unprecedented' foreign influenceThe Australian government will provide free unlimited English classes to migrants and work to encourage "Australian values" as part of a move to combat what it calls an "unprecedented" level of foreign interference in the country. While officials did not name which state or states had sparked the counter-measures, Australian authorities have previously made clear they are concerned by the activities of Chinese government bodies in the country. On Friday Alan Tudge, the immigration minister, said members of Australia's "diverse communities" have been "both victims of interference and used as vectors to engage in foreign interference". "Despite now being proud Australians, some communities are still seen by their former home countries as 'their diaspora' - to be harassed or exploited to further the national cause," he said in a speech to the National Press Club. Australia is home to a significant population of people of Chinese descent. The 2016 census found 1.2 million Australians are of Chinese ancestry, more than half a million of whom were born in China. Mr Tudge said foreign interference was at an "unprecedented high" in Australia. "Foreign actors have multiple objectives, but one is to seek to grow division in our society by pushing people away from Australia and placing their loyalties elsewhere. They seek to sow distrust in government and institutions," he said. The Australian Government will overhaul a A$1 billion (£550million) language programme and citizenship test. Sino-Australian relations have been increasingly strained this year. On Wednesday Wang Xining, the deputy head of mission of China's embassy in Australia, said that Australia's push for an inquiry into the origin and spread of Covid-19 had been "shocking" and had hurt China's feelings. He dismissed the suggestion the Chinese government was trying to interfere in Australia's internal affairs or heavily influence Australian society. "We're not asking Hungry Jacks [an Australian burger chain] to sell Chinese dumplings," he added. In May it was revealed Chinese authorities were considering targeting more Australian exports including wine and dairy, having already barred meat imports from four Australian slaughterhouses for "technical" reasons and applied tariffs of more than 80 per cent on Australian barley. In November last year, Wang Liqiang, a Chinese defector, sought asylum in Australia declaring that he had worked as a spy in Hong Kong and Taiwan. At the time, Asia-Pacific expert Professor Mark Beeson told The Telegraph that if the evidence supporting Mr Wang's claims "is compelling and credible... it would be difficult for the Australian government not to give him asylum". Early that same month, it was revealed that Australia's peak Chinese student body reports to and is partly funded by the Chinese embassy. Founding documents show the mission of the CSSA in Canberra is to "assist the embassy" to help and serve Chinese students and the executive board must "communicate with the embassy… regularly". Also in November 2019, Australian Government MPs Andrew Hastie and Senator James Paterson were banned from a planned trip to China in response to their criticism of China's human rights record. In October, the Chinese government responded angrily to claims by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton that China was responsible for interference in Australian universities, as well as cyber hacks and theft of intellectual property. In September it had been revealed that Government MP Gladys Liu had been a member of two associations with strong links to the Chinese government.

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Berlin police break up "anti-coronavirus" protest of 18,000

Berlin police break up "anti-coronavirus" protest of 18,000More than 3,000 officers were deployed to help maintain the demonstration after anti-restriction and far-right supporters took to social media to call on people to arm themselves and take part in the protest.

Алюминий в чушках

Алюминий в чушкахПервичный алюминий А0 (технической чистоты) поставляется по ГОСТ 11069-2001.
Содержание алюминия не менее 99,70%.
Содержание других веществ:
кремний 0,15
железо 0,16
медь 0,01
марганец 0,03
магний 0,02
цинк 0,04
галлий 0,03
титан 0,01
прочие примеси не более 0,03 каждой в отдельности.
Слиток отмечается двумя черными вертикальными полосами.

Алюминий А0 поставляется чушками. Вес одной чушки: 14-16 килограмм. Чушки упаковываются в пачки, вес каждой пачки от 800 до 1000 кг. Купить алюминий А0 в чушках вы можете в компании "Алюминий" купить алюминий в чушках А7 от производителя. Минимальная партия поставки алюминия А0 от 20 тонн. По договоренности возможна поставка меньшего тоннажа, но не менее одной пачки слитков. Т. е. пачки не распаковываются.

алюминиевый анодированный купить уголок 100х40х4 магазин алюминия предлагает: алюминиевый анодированный купить уголок 100х40х4 https://goo.gl/maps/dQtFQEon34D2

Weakened Laura still carries a punch as it heads toward Atlantic Ocean

Weakened Laura still carries a punch as it heads toward Atlantic OceanThe remnants of Hurricane Laura continued to weaken Saturday but it may bring tornadoes to North Carolina and the Delaware-Maryland-Virginia region.

Алюминиевая пирамидка

алюминиевая пирамидка Пирамидка алюминиевая, фото из Instagram. Хэштеги: #производство, #алюминий, #пирамидка. Аккаунт: @alyuminiy_com

Passenger without shoes arrested after bus driver chokes him, Oregon prosecutor says

Passenger without shoes arrested after bus driver chokes him, Oregon prosecutor says"The actions of this bus driver were shocking and criminal," the district attorney said.

Равнополочный алюминиевый уголокУголок равнополочный является сегодня довольно популярным материалом. С ним взаимодействуют во многих отраслях. Это обусловлено отменными эксплуатационными данными изделий: он прочный и в то же время легкий. Поэтому их все чаще можно увидеть там, где невозможно применение его аналога из стали.

Помимо перечисленных характеристик, равнополочные уголки отличаются долговечностью, переносимостью воздействия как высоких, так и низких температур. Алюминиевый равнополочный уголок обладает высокой устойчивостью к коррозии, ультрафиолетовых лучей, химических жидкостей, кислот и влаги. При взаимодействии с воздухом на его поверхности возникает окисная пленка, которая играет роль барьера и увеличивает период его эксплуатации.

Также на уголки равнополочные может быть нанесено покрытие одним из методов:

  • распыление полимерной порошковой краски;
  • декорирование и ламинирование;
  • анодирование (путем создания на поверхности алюминия оксидного слоя).

Разные составы цветовых решений позволяют вписать их в производственный цикл для производства шкафов-купе, гардеробных комнат и прочей домашней мебели. Вышеприведенные нюансы помогут оценить их особенности, анодированные равнополочные уголки пользуются популярностью у многих потребителей - организаций и частных лиц.

Еще одно достоинство заключается в том, что они без каких либо проблем поддаются практически любой механической обработке. Его можно сверлить, шлифовать и придавать ему разлиную форму. Для их скрепления используются саморезы.

Как делаются уголки равнополочные

Производство их, как правило, осуществляется экструзией или гибкой. В зависимости от технологии выделяют вот два типа:

  • прессованные;
  • гнутые.

При этом они могут поступать в продажу в исходном состоянии или подвергнутые одному из нескольких способов термообработки. Экструдируют их на мощных гидравлических прессах через формообразующий элемент - фильеру, или так называемую матрицу. Гнут на гибочных станках. Стоить отметить, что им свойственно иметь более десятков тысяч размеров. Наиболее маленьким считается размер 10х10х1 мм, его противоположность, габарит 200 мм шириной и 200 мм высотой.

И так, подведем итоги: сплошной профиль, гораздо надежнее поливинилхлорида и дерева, так как не боится температурных скачков, алюминию не страшны жара и морозы, он устойчив к негативным атмосферным проявлениям. Они, профили, не воспламеняются и не поддерживают процесс горения, не продуцируют токсинов даже в случае нагревании, что дает возможность использовать их в жилых помещениях. Они не выделяет в атмосферу ядовитых веществ, абсолютно безвредны для человека. И монтировать их - одно удовольствие, скажем так, достаточно просто. Кроме того, они просты в обслуживании. И самое главное, они отличаются доступной ценой.

Где купить алюминиевый равнополочный уголок оптом и в розницу?

В магазинах расположенных по адресам: магазин Алюминий Бережанская 9 Киев, магазин Алюминий Кокчетавская 12 Харьков или в интернет магазине https://kzask.ua/ugolokrav/, вы также можете купить уголок равносторонний алюминиевый по цене производителя.

Australia offers migrants unlimited English lessons to counteract 'unprecedented' foreign influence

Australia offers migrants unlimited English lessons to counteract 'unprecedented' foreign influenceThe Australian government will provide free unlimited English classes to migrants and work to encourage "Australian values" as part of a move to combat what it calls an "unprecedented" level of foreign interference in the country. While officials did not name which state or states had sparked the counter-measures, Australian authorities have previously made clear they are concerned by the activities of Chinese government bodies in the country. On Friday Alan Tudge, the immigration minister, said members of Australia's "diverse communities" have been "both victims of interference and used as vectors to engage in foreign interference". "Despite now being proud Australians, some communities are still seen by their former home countries as 'their diaspora' - to be harassed or exploited to further the national cause," he said in a speech to the National Press Club. Australia is home to a significant population of people of Chinese descent. The 2016 census found 1.2 million Australians are of Chinese ancestry, more than half a million of whom were born in China. Mr Tudge said foreign interference was at an "unprecedented high" in Australia. "Foreign actors have multiple objectives, but one is to seek to grow division in our society by pushing people away from Australia and placing their loyalties elsewhere. They seek to sow distrust in government and institutions," he said. The Australian Government will overhaul a A$1 billion (£550million) language programme and citizenship test. Sino-Australian relations have been increasingly strained this year. On Wednesday Wang Xining, the deputy head of mission of China's embassy in Australia, said that Australia's push for an inquiry into the origin and spread of Covid-19 had been "shocking" and had hurt China's feelings. He dismissed the suggestion the Chinese government was trying to interfere in Australia's internal affairs or heavily influence Australian society. "We're not asking Hungry Jacks [an Australian burger chain] to sell Chinese dumplings," he added. In May it was revealed Chinese authorities were considering targeting more Australian exports including wine and dairy, having already barred meat imports from four Australian slaughterhouses for "technical" reasons and applied tariffs of more than 80 per cent on Australian barley. In November last year, Wang Liqiang, a Chinese defector, sought asylum in Australia declaring that he had worked as a spy in Hong Kong and Taiwan. At the time, Asia-Pacific expert Professor Mark Beeson told The Telegraph that if the evidence supporting Mr Wang's claims "is compelling and credible... it would be difficult for the Australian government not to give him asylum". Early that same month, it was revealed that Australia's peak Chinese student body reports to and is partly funded by the Chinese embassy. Founding documents show the mission of the CSSA in Canberra is to "assist the embassy" to help and serve Chinese students and the executive board must "communicate with the embassy… regularly". Also in November 2019, Australian Government MPs Andrew Hastie and Senator James Paterson were banned from a planned trip to China in response to their criticism of China's human rights record. In October, the Chinese government responded angrily to claims by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton that China was responsible for interference in Australian universities, as well as cyber hacks and theft of intellectual property. In September it had been revealed that Government MP Gladys Liu had been a member of two associations with strong links to the Chinese government.

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